
I always think that a home should have fresh flowers & plants in plentiful amounts. It not only perks up any room, it also brings the outside in which I love whatever the season. I like to place my flowers & plants on different levels so that the eye travels around the room and digests all on displays.

Happy Wednesday! I hope you’re all having a lovely week.






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Two years ago today Hana & George was put together on my sofa. The idea was to create somewhere that I could document all the images and ideas that inspire me as a visual keepsake. This blog runs along side my work as an upholsterer and I love the community that my ‘online sketchbook’ has attracted, it is lovely to find others who love what I love.

Thank to you all for your support & comments over the past two years, it has been a journey that I look forward to carrying on with you all and hope others continue to join along the way…

Wishing you all a lovely Friday



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Items have a tendency of coming in and out of fashion, and cut glass decanters seem to be one of those items. They seemed to go through a phase of being tucked away in cupboards rather than on display but I feel they are far to beautiful to not be seen. When put in front of a window, the light shimmers of their cut angles….simply beautiful.

We had a party a few weeks ago and used the decanters that my Mum gave to be (which were given to her by my Grandmother) and made individual labels for each, hung by scrap pieces of fabric that I had lying around the workshop. Simple, yet effective.



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I absolutely love the count down to Christmas and can’t resist an advent calendar, especially when they’re handmade with love and thought. I love these two ideas of hanging the little packages with twine from a branch and personalising each day with it’s own design.

Happy Friday!




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In true British fashion, when we experience weather (good or bad) we tend to have an opinion on it! As we’re now experiencing a summer, I have been craving a lot of cold drinks and I have been adding rose petals to my ice cube trays before freezing to create beautiful looking cubes of loveliness! It is simple to do and is the perfect way of cheering up your glass.

Happy Wednesday!


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Lit Mould

A few months ago, I created this post on how to create your own candles using vintage cup and saucers to give them a new lease of life. I am totally in love with the idea of also making my own candles using glass jelly moulds and including two wicks to make more of an impact. What this space as I rummage through vintage markets and charity shops to find the moulded beauties!

Hope you all have a lovely week!


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365 Lovin’

Today is the first birthday of the Hana & George blog!

This year has simply flown by and I am still appreciative to everyone who follows and reads my little ‘visual sketchbook’ for their lovely words and support along my creative journey. It is flattering to know that what started out as a personal documentation, is now a source of inspiration and creativity, not just for myself, but for others too!

A million thank you’s and I hope that the Hana & George blog is somewhere that you’ll continue to visit and love…

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Magic Blooms

I love to gift friends and family with flowers and beautiful plants, not only is it a nice gesture but it can also be inexpensive. I always buy blooms from the supermarket and take them home and work my magic to make them personal. You can use brown postal paper, cellophane and bows, wrapping paper, tissue paper and twine… the possibilities vast, but there is nothing nicer than receiving something that has had thought and love injected in to it!


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Fabric Art

I adore the idea of hanging your favourite clothing off luxury silk hangers in your home. Not only is it an ever changing form of art, but it’s also a way of showcasing your beautiful garments that are often too splendid to be hid away in your wardrobe! Mix lovely fabrics and prints against plain walls or showcase your favourite shoes on a shelf…the possibilities are endless! 



{Images: 1, 2, 3, 4 via AP&AS}