For All to See

Sometimes I think it’s instinct to tidy everything away and to give items their own place within your home, but this week my inspiration has come from having beauty displayed for all to see. Whether it’s vintage books stacked high on mantlepieces or stunning textiles hung from doors and hooks, such loveliness should be out for you to admire and adore.

Happy Friday!





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Cherry Impact

I love the tones of these cherry red images. Whether I am wearing red lipstick or adding an injection of crimson beauty to my interior, I love the impact that a hint of red gives.

I am head over heals in love with the Singer machine which has been given a face lift in red, as this is the same machine that I use regularly in the workshop. The gently hum that it creates as it stitches is pure heaven…




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Lit Mould

A few months ago, I created this post on how to create your own candles using vintage cup and saucers to give them a new lease of life. I am totally in love with the idea of also making my own candles using glass jelly moulds and including two wicks to make more of an impact. What this space as I rummage through vintage markets and charity shops to find the moulded beauties!

Hope you all have a lovely week!


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Romantic Touch

This weeks inspirations have come from a collection of images, which don’t at first sight link but do all possess a romantic element.

I adore the subtle colours, the precious textures and the calming effect that they bought upon me when I view them….

Happy Friday!





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My favourite time of the month is the delivery of my beloved magazine subscriptions, and I also like to keep up to date by viewing the publications websites. I am a regular visitor to Elle’s street chic section and find it a constant source of loveliness and this stunning image of a vintage kimono worn by a Paris Fashion Week go-er is just beautiful! I love the accents of green & turquoise, and the pop of skill that has been added to the silk kimono.



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I believe that beauty should be preserved, and with this in mind, I adore the idea of encasing special items within glass bell jars. The jars are delicate and beautiful in their structure, but when they are storing treasures they’re magical.

A bell jar is the perfect accessory to your sideboards and dressing tables…you could grace them with cacti, candles, your favourite perfume and flowers, what ever takes your fancy!

Happy Monday!




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Whether it’s fabric, an ornate fire place or brickwork, it’s all graced with texture. I love to run my fingers along textured surfaces and appreciate their form. I have been so inspired recently by the touch and feel of different textures that I have put together a Pinterest board in it’s honour! You can check out the board here

Happy Friday to you all and I hope you’ve had an inspiring week!





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Colour Coded

Are you wanting to create a statement wall in your home in just a few hours? A colour blocked wall of books in the way forward! It is a creative twist on the usual library way of sorting your books, and is an eye catching way of creating your own piece of art at home. I love the imp actual effect that such a simple method can have in your home, and I couldn’t think of a lovelier way to spend a Sunday afternoon, than sky high in books!






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I think I could have happily spend many a lazy Sunday morning in this luscious bedroom! I love the white walls and it’s stark contrast to the vibrant bedspread and patterned cushions, and the gilt touches introduced to the boudoir from the full length mirror and minimal frames upon the back wall.



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Details & Fabrics

I thought I would expand on today’s usual ‘Friday Four’ of inspiration to show you a few beautiful images that I have found. I love the feminine feel of them all, with their vintage touches of fabrics, details and colourings. I absolutely adore the Parisian restaurant window with it’s gilt gold typography and the view of its stunning wooden bannister! LOVE.

To take a peek at more lovely images and inspirations, take a look at the Hana & George Pinterest Page

Happy Friday!







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