Dotted Haven

My all time favourite ‘nosey’ website has to be Closet Visit. I love snooping through other peoples homes and their fabulous wardrobes, it is pretty much a girls dreams come true!

I was recently having a lazy weekend with Closet Visit and came across the beautiful home and wardrobe of Deborah Kaplan, who is a screen writer who lives in Hollywood. Her home is as beautifully eclectic as her wardrobe and I love the vintage accessories dotted around her haven.

Happy Wednesday!

{Images: All sourced from here}


So, many of you may be asking yourself what is so interesting about the underground service…well, this! These simply stunning images are from the underground system in Moscow, Russia. This form of transport is dubbed ‘the people’s palaces’ with, what can only be described, as the most ornate mode of getting around in the world! If you’re lucky enough to ever travel the underground, you’ll be met by shining examples of Soviet art and style, including bronze sculptures, chandeliers, Florentine mosaics and stained glass.

Truly breathtaking, I’m sure you’ll agree….


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Relaxing Perfection

I love the luxurious use of purples in this collection of images. The use of velvet on the vibrant bedspread and the iconically shaped chairs graced with the bright colour are perfection. Even though purple is thought to be quite a bold colour, I love the relaxing feel that the colour offers to all three rooms.

Happy Friday!




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Unique Stamp

I like all things in my home to not only be a statement, but a little over the top at times too. I find that lighting is the perfect way to inject a unique stamp into a room without a lot of financial or permanent commitment to the cause…after all, if you get bored of a certain vintage lampshade you could always just take it down and put another one in its place.

I am completely in love with these three lighting ideas and think that the fabric lampshade would be perfect over an oval dining table!




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Curated Heart

Gone are the days when a shelf was just for storing books, they are now art forms and can be curated to your hearts content! I like to perch photographs amongst my books and add trinkets onto the horizontally stored books to make a feature of the storage in my home.

Here is a little collection of images to get your inspiration flowing…

Wishing you all a lovely week!






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Circular Encasing

I adore this area of Lela Rose’s multi-functional home. The sixteen meter high ceilings definitely allows for the gallery-esque space to be airy and 1960’s Pierre Paulin circular sectional encasing the pillar is simply stunning!



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Printed Blooms

Even though this year seems to have flown by so far, I am beginning to crave a little more warmth and sunshine into my days. As we are a while off spring gracing us with its presence, these two images with their orange floral hues from the printed fabric & big blooms are a perfect substitute.

Happy Wednesday!



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Thousand Words

As many of you will know, I am constantly busy on Pinterest sourcing inspiring images. The quote that ‘a picture says a thousand words’ is too true when it comes to gaining creativity, as I have found through my adventure with collating my boards.

Here is a little collection of the images that have gained my attention over the past few months. If you’d like to see more of where these have come from, pop over and visit the Hana & George Pinterest page.

Hope you all have a lovely week!








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I really love the simplicity of this image – there are no trinkets or treasures to detract the eye from the beautifully carved fireplace, or the intricate wooden flooring. The idea of stacking high several piles of books to create a coffee table in the centre of the furniture is as simple as it is inspiring…


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Stag Do

On many of my online ‘window shopping’ ventures, I have recently been noticing a reoccurring theme of deer or stag heads gracing homes & walls. I love the idea of making a feature in a room with a stags head and decorating it with how my mood takes me – a string of lights or ribbon tied to the antlers, perhaps.

I thought I would put together a collection of images to inspire you and would love to know your thoughts on whether you’d consider adding one to your home…






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