Gilt & Tiles

Two things seem to have appeared a lot this week, those being gilt mirrors and vintage tiles. It has been a weekend of vintage shops and antique fairs and although I bought little home (for once!), there was lots of beautiful things to see.

I have been hunting out old tiles for a few months now to go in our kitchen that is finally being done in January. Victorian tiles will go above the Aga, like a higgledy-piggledy jigsaw of odd pieces. 24 down, 4 to go.



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Booky Wook

During one of my many internet snoops, I came across this book that pretty much holds the exact same philosophy that I do – why have beautiful things and not display them? Never Stop to Think…Do I Have a Place for This is an eclectic collection of images showing how others have styled their homes with the use of their treasures and trinkets. This is a must for my bookshelf!



{Images both sourced from here}


I think there is something enchanting about each one of these photographs. The romanticism of layers of colour, texture and design styles stacked up on one another, as occupiers have developed through an interior design journey. Like upholstery, these walls are created of layers and the one thing that makes the wall unique is the wallpaper that dresses the wall, like fabric to a chair…






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I always think that a home should have fresh flowers & plants in plentiful amounts. It not only perks up any room, it also brings the outside in which I love whatever the season. I like to place my flowers & plants on different levels so that the eye travels around the room and digests all on displays.

Happy Wednesday! I hope you’re all having a lovely week.






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As well as being considered to be a romantic shade, I also find dusky pink to be a calming hue. In every magazine I peek into, pastel shades seem to spring up and I have also collated a Pinterest page for all the inspiring images I find.

In our garden, we had the lovely surprise of finding out that the bottom of our path is home to stained pink roses at this time of year! Lovely British summer time goodness.




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Swanning About

Last year, I fell in love with this swan bed! Admittedly, it isn’t to everyones taste but the idea of waking up encased in the body of a swan seems idyllic to me! It now appears that the imaginary day of one day getting a birdy bed may also be taken al fresco with a swan bench…



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Items have a tendency of coming in and out of fashion, and cut glass decanters seem to be one of those items. They seemed to go through a phase of being tucked away in cupboards rather than on display but I feel they are far to beautiful to not be seen. When put in front of a window, the light shimmers of their cut angles….simply beautiful.

We had a party a few weeks ago and used the decanters that my Mum gave to be (which were given to her by my Grandmother) and made individual labels for each, hung by scrap pieces of fabric that I had lying around the workshop. Simple, yet effective.



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Fresh Coat

Vintage birdy imagery, light and nature have all played a part in this weeks inspirations. The arrival of glorious sunshine has left me with the need to update my workshop and this weekend shall be spent with ‘Brilliant White’ emulsion. Watch this space.

To check out the results, why not follow the H&G Intagram?




{Images: All sourced from Pinterest}


When you first move into a home, it is all stations go with redecorating and adding personal touches. However, i always find that it isn’t until you’ve lived in the space for a while that you start really adding your own mark on somewhere.

Over the past few years I have collected cotton embroidered hankies. Some might find this odd but I find them to be delicate and romantic, and in todays age they no longer serve a purpose but I want to display my collection. With this in mind, I am going to make a curtain and quilt. Patchworked together, seams to seams.

Happy Friday!



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