Booky Wook

During one of my many internet snoops, I came across this book that pretty much holds the exact same philosophy that I do – why have beautiful things and not display them? Never Stop to Think…Do I Have a Place for This is an eclectic collection of images showing how others have styled their homes with the use of their treasures and trinkets. This is a must for my bookshelf!



{Images both sourced from here}


So, I have decided to start collecting plates. Any shapes, size, colour and design and I’m going to proudly display them in my home. I’ve always been attracted to ceramics and the beautiful designs and colours that have spanned the decades, and constantly come across one of plates on my travels. Watch this space…

Happy Friday to you lovely lot, too!


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Art Array

What is there not to like about a wall adorned with art, hung in a ‘higgledy-piggledy’ manner? Whether there is a theme to the collection of works, or just an array of mediums and influences, I think that this way of displaying art is not only visually pleasing but can be a constant work in progress, build more and more over time from vintage market and charity shops finds.






{Images: 1, 2, 3, 4}


I love subtle blue pastels in this collection of images, it’s calming whilst also making an impact within the surroundings. The hues are bought alive with the contrast of creams and whites, whether introduced by fabrics and textures or light.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend!





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Artistic Bulb

I thought that I’d add a weekly feature to the blog that is a collection of four images that I have found through my research of the week and would like to share with you. The images inspirational value will differ and some may just be the occasional pretty image, naturally, but all the images will have something in common – that being that they have impacted on my thought process & have turned on that artistic bulb inside of me.

Here is my first four images to begin this Friday feature with. I’d love to know your thoughts…





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Pastel Pink

As we are now approaching spring, and as I write this post the sun is shining, I thought it would be the perfect time for me to share a few pastel images that I have been storing up as seasonal inspiration.

I love the feminine hues is the images below, the textured fabrics and array of materials is simply stunning!


Rose quartz and Crystal




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Engraved Shapes

I’m like a magpie when it comes to vintage detailing and shiny things, and these two images feed my addiction visually. The collection of tarnished silver cutlery and trays, with their engraved shapes reflecting in the light is simply stunning. I’d definitely like to welcome all of these items into my kitchen.

Happy Monday!



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Plate It

Plates come in all shapes and sizes with beautiful patterns and detailing and can be collected from charity shops or flea markets inexpensively.
Why not display their beauty on your wall rather than stack them away in your cupboard? They’re perfect as a feature wall in a kitchen or a lounge and can be displayed randomly or in a sequence…the wall is your oyster!
{Images: 1, 2, 3}

Hand Stitched

I am fond of the idea of creating a patchwork curtain. The idea of collecting vintage handkerchiefs, lace off-cuts and beautifully embroidered cotton fabrics and piecing them all together to create a curtain or voile.

I think something like this would make a striking room divider…what do you think?

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