
So, I have decided to start collecting plates. Any shapes, size, colour and design and I’m going to proudly display them in my home. I’ve always been attracted to ceramics and the beautiful designs and colours that have spanned the decades, and constantly come across one of plates on my travels. Watch this space…

Happy Friday to you lovely lot, too!


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Happy Space

I believe that you should make the area in which you work exciting, as well as functional…after all you spend the majority of your time within your working environment and I love to work surrounded by inspirations and loveliness.

With this in mind (and the move to my new workspace happening this weekend *happy dance*), I thought I would put a few images that I have gained inspiration from for my new space…




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As many of you would have gathered by now, I am a believer of having beauty of display and like to make the most of the simplest of ideas. I have recently been collating ideas for the new abode I think that I will be replacing the traditional cork board for clip boards as a way of having the everyday on display!

I hope you’re all having a lovely week!




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For All to See

Sometimes I think it’s instinct to tidy everything away and to give items their own place within your home, but this week my inspiration has come from having beauty displayed for all to see. Whether it’s vintage books stacked high on mantlepieces or stunning textiles hung from doors and hooks, such loveliness should be out for you to admire and adore.

Happy Friday!





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I believe that beauty should be preserved, and with this in mind, I adore the idea of encasing special items within glass bell jars. The jars are delicate and beautiful in their structure, but when they are storing treasures they’re magical.

A bell jar is the perfect accessory to your sideboards and dressing tables…you could grace them with cacti, candles, your favourite perfume and flowers, what ever takes your fancy!

Happy Monday!




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Stuck Up

I really love this idea of simply using washi tape or tack to sprawl my inspirations on the walls at home and in the workshop. It’s organic in its arrangement and means that all the things that you catch your eye and creative ideas are up for all to see and appreciate!

Do you have such a wall in your home or workspace?



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Framed Silk

As you know, I love preserving history and having all beautiful things on display. I always find a silk scarves beautiful but my selection always stay stashed at the bottom of my wardrobe, when they truly deserve to be put out for all to see.

I came across this inspiring idea to frame silk scarves and have them hung around the home and had to share it with you all. The idea of treating vintage scarves as art is as practical as it is romantic and I’ll definitely be replicating this one day!



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Hat Wall

This post is exactly as it says on the tin – how to create a wall collage from your hats. Simple but effective.

I don’t know about you but I have a stupidly large collection of hats and storing them is hard. You don’t want to squash them as it’ll ruin the shape and I’m pretty fond of my millinery collection so absolutely love the idea of having them on display…

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